
Add sweetness and flavour with sweet drops. It's a tasty and calorie free way to flavour water, yogurt, smoothies, coffee, and more!


Add sweetness and flavour with sweet drops. It’s a tasty and calorie free way to flavour water, yogurt, smoothies, coffee, and more!


A longtime favorite, the smooth, creamy taste of Vanilla Crème adds rich, sweet notes to any drink or food from coffee to cereal, French toast and desserts. Fantastic in whipped cream to replace vanilla extract and sugar!
Description Sweetener 288 Serving All Natural Zero Calories SweetLeaf Liquid Stevia is a natural, convenient and healthy sweetener. It contains no calories or carbohydrates and may be used in tea, coffee, smoothies, protein shakes, or any recipe. SweetLeaf Liquid Stevia is delicious, has no aftertaste, and is diabetic friendly. ...
SweetLeaf Liquid Stevia is a natural, convenient and healthy sweetener. It contains no calories or carbohydrates and may be used in tea, coffee, smoothies, protein shakes or any recipe.
SweetLeaf Liquid Stevia is a natural, convenient and healthy sweetener. It contains no calories or carbohydrates and may be used in tea, coffee, smoothies, protein shakes or any recipe. SweetLeaf Liquid Stevia is delicious, has no aftertaste, and is diabetic friendly.
Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $26.99.

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